What is Swiss-Tech Thankful For?

Thanksgiving is one of the greatest times of the year. When the weather cools down and leaves begin to fall, life begins to slow down and allow us to reflect on all that’s transpired over last several months. Whether things are good or not so good, this is a time to count our blessings.

We had a very strong year at Swiss-Tech. After experiencing significant growth in 2018, we thought we’d ask a few employees this question: “What are you most thankful for at Swiss-Tech?”

They had this to say…

Bobbie Griffin – Inside Sales Leader 

“I am thankful to be a part of an awesome team! We win some and we lose some, but we do it all as a team.”

Bobbie’s Thanksgiving Plans: I’ll be celebrating at a large family gathering at my Aunt and Uncle’s house.

Steven Eichorst – CNCX Setup/Forklift Trainer

“I’m thankful for my co-workers. I feel extremely blessed to be part of our exceptional workforce at Swiss-Tech.”

Steven’s Thanksgiving Plans: I do Thanksgiving Day/Dinner with my family, and (of course) deer hunting with my good friend, Don.

Edward Hatch – Production Supervisor

“I’m thankful for all the great people I work with here at Swiss-Tech. Our group of colleagues are very loving and compassionate individuals, which makes this an inviting place to work.

I’ve been with Swiss-Tech for almost 8 years, and it gets better every year. I strive to be here for many more.”

Edward’s Thanksgiving Plans: I will be celebrating Thanksgiving with my family and friends.

Frank Frederick – SQE/Continuous Improvement

“At Swiss-Tech, there are many things I’m thankful for. The diversity and respectfulness of the entire workforce is great, everyone at every level is approachable and always willing to help each other when needed, and Swiss-Tech’s core values (which we all live by) have helped develop the great culture and team atmosphere we enjoy every day.

I have had a couple of other jobs in my career, and Swiss-Tech is the only job that is a ‘want to’ rather than a ‘have to’ place to go each day. The number one thing I’m thankful for is being part of a great team.”

Frank’s Thanksgiving Plans: This year, I will return home from the Wisconsin Deer Gun Season (hopefully successful) by Thanksgiving and spend the holiday with my family.

James Vanover – Operation/Machining

“I am thankful for our team and our commitment to safety. Everyone I talk to is very kind, courteous, and helpful when I ask questions, and safety plays a big role here. I really appreciate Swiss-Tech’s concern for my well-being!”

James’s Thanksgiving Plans: I’ll be celebrating with some nice people that attend my church in the community of Delavan.

We’re Thankful for Another Great Year!

At Swiss-Tech, our team means everything to us, and we are so grateful for all of the amazing work we’ve accomplished together this year.

It’s encouraging to see many of our employees point to Swiss-Tech’s family-oriented culture and the camaraderie they share as what they’re most thankful for.

After all, it sure makes it easier to come to work when you appreciate and care about the people around you.

If you’re interested in joining our tight-knit group of skilled professionals, please let us know by viewing our employment opportunities.

Swiss Tech is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer, and we’re always interested hearing from interested persons looking for employment.

Thank you, and have a great Thanksgiving!